Welcome Message

Dear Great Friends

Thank you so much for your interest in the Deng Opportunities Foundation (DOF).I established the Deng Opportunities Foundation on January 25, 2010 in the belief that orphaned children are good children, deserving of the care and education that children having parents receive.  Orphans must not be subject to abuse or neglect by the society and left behind to live on the streets without food, medicine, clothing, and a proper school. After going through and overcoming the difficult and miserable life of being an orphan in the developing country (South Sudan) 20 years ago, I have come to realize that one of the ways to give orphans a better future is through education, so that they may realize their dreams and expectations just like other kids on this earth. I believe that the country or the world cannot be a better place with other people being left behind with nothing but to starve to death or go without education and live miserably for the rest of their lives. While I have made good progress in helping orphans there is still much work that remain undone and it need you and I to do something together to see orphans have the same opportunities the kids that has parents do.I am blessed to be in the country where I can provide help to orphan kids of South Sudan. The opportunities provided to me in United State of America by my American sisters and brothers is what enable me to provide orphaned children of South Sudan with the education opportunity that they had never dream.

DOF team and I are committed to improving the lives of orphaned children of South Sudan. In collaboration with individuals like you, our non-profit partners, corporations’ partners, foundations partners and the academic partners, we make every possible effort to provide orphans with access to quality education. We also provide food, cloth, water and healthcare, all this are provided in the safe learning environment. It is my belief that these orphaned children that I am now helping through DOF will in future be like me and will give back to the society in so many ways. They will have commitment to their communities and those who needed their help will get it. They are going to make a big difference in South Sudan once they get education.

If you join me today, we together will be able to bring our creativity, experience, skills and talents and our spiritual combined together to help these needy orphaned children have bright future. The DOF team and I kindly seek your support to help us give orphans hope and bright future through education. Let’s show the world and the society that orphaned children are just like any other child and deserve good treatment and the same opportunity to get education.

Peter Garang Deng
Founder and President

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