Ways to Donate

Learn about various ways to donate.

Donate Online

Making an online donation using our online donation tool is a quick and simple way to show your support. Type the amount you want to donate then select monthly, yearly or don’t repeat and then click donate. That is it, you just send vulnerable children to school

Donate By Mail

Making donation to DOF with the little that you can afford is the great way to help DOF continue providing scholarships to orphaned children of Jonglei State of South Sudan. There is nothing much more important than investing in the future of human beings, vulnerable people such as orphans. You can support DOF by making donation.   If you do not wish to make an online donation, you may complete and mail the following DOF donor pledge form.


Many businesses and individuals have hosted a fundraising event for DOF. If interested and want to do fundraising event in your community or place of work to benefit DOF, we can immediately help you make that happen. Just contact us and will get started today.

Many people love to see Peter speak in person at their party or at their university or college campus and if you are one of those and would like to have Peter come and speak at you annual dinner party, at your university or college campus or any other party, please contact us today.


DOF’s staff are available to complete letters of inquiry, funding proposals and grant applications and other supporting materials that maybe required by foundations interested in donating to DOF. Foundations or businesses interested in making generous restricted or unrestricted grants to DOF can contact us at

P.O.BOX 864

Burlington, Vermont 05402

Phone (802)-393-9507

Gifts of Stock

Giving stock to DOF is a great way to support the foundation for long term. Want to support the foundation for long term and have the share (s) to donate, please contact our founder and President, Peter Garang Deng at email: peter@dengfoundation.org

Our Sponsors and Partners