Scholarship for Vulnerable Children

Scholarship for Vulnerable Children

Help us raise $30,000 to send 12 orphaned children to good schools in South Sudan and neighboring countries. Be the change you want to see in the world.

DOF is seeking a funding of $30,000 to rescue orphaned children from the streets of Jonglei state of South Sudan and we can’t do it without you. We want to provide these children with shelter, food, clean drinking water, and a quality education. It is through these children that the region can find a more sustainable future. Through education we will introduce people from this region to more sustainable ways of earning a living, raising families, building infrastructure. With appropriate funding, we will be able to send 12 students to good schools where orphaned children will be able to obtain better education for a better future. We are targeting this audience specifically because they are the most at risk and they have the most to gain from a quality education. We are solving several problems at once. We are getting children off the streets and into boarding schools. We are preventing the military factions from recruiting or, in some cases, kidnapping these children to fight in their rebel armies and tribal wars. We are educating people in more sustainable forms of agriculture. We are providing people with exposure to successful political models. We are training people to build stronger communities through cooperation, not oppression. These orphaned children that we are educating are the generations who will bring development to the country of South Sudan. So, act today and change the world for these wonderful children. They deserve good school and only You can help bring their hope back.

An orphan child is unlikely to have a better life without education. They’re condemned to suffering because they have no parents to pay their school fees and provide for other basic needs. Some live a life of the street and end up not surviving. This is where you come in! You can help these orphans by giving today. Can we count on you?

“The tragic of orphans is real, I experienced this tragic reality 25 years ago. I was an orphan child and went through what these orphans are now going through, and it was painful and hopeless life. It broke my heart to see what these kids are going through, and I started thinking about ways to help them. So, I started the foundation to provide the scholarship for orphans and that’s how Deng Opportunities Foundation, Inc. was born.”  Said founder Peter Deng

This mission of helping orphaned children can’t be done by one person, it needs all of us to come together and give the little that we each can afford to give. Thank you for donating to Deng Opportunities Foundation, Inc today.

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