Fund an impact project:We work to keep our operating costs low at $0.10 of every dollar donated to DOF. That means $0.90 of...

Training of Entrepreneurs:The charity and aid contribute to the Africa countries aren't enough to tackle the challenges faced by almost 80% of...

Sponsor Orphan Girl Education:A girl’s education is very important, but in the country of South Sudan, which has been badly affected by decades...

Sponsor an Orphan Child Today!:Why Sponsor Orphans? Having no parents taking care of them, they lack many basic things that are usually provided by...

Investing Philanthropic:We invest in future generation by using a simple approach that is proven by founder Mr. Peter Deng in South...

Investing in Women:We know that from different sources of study, no country can become successful if women are left behind to suffer...

Help Us Pay Our Operating Costs:We work to keep our operating costs low at $0.10 of every dollar donated to DOF. That means $0.90 of...

Help Orphans Get Job Training:Many orphans drop out from school due to lack of financial support, offering them job training can help them have...

Help Buy Shoes for Orphans:In life, having shoes is very important and even more important in some places than others. In places like South...

Help Buy Medical Care for Orphans:Studies show that students learn better when they are healthy. While we are providing orphans with education, we want to...

Help Buy Computers for Orphans:Having a computer and knowing how to use it is very important for purpose of education and job training. In...

Help Buy Clothes for Orphans:Access to adequate clothing may be taken for granted for people like you and me. There are thousands of...

Agriculture Initiative:Giving people in Africa money to buy food for the family is a good gesture because it helps at that...