DOF Current Students

Regina Adol is an orphan from Jonglei State. Last lost her parents while she was still very young. She first...
DOF Alumni Students

Yar Akol Gai is an orphan from Bortown of Jonglei State. Her father passed away when she was still very...

Thiong Achiek is from Jonglei state of South Sudan. Both his parents are alive but can't afford to send him...

Makeer 19 years old standing in this picture with his brother who is still in the school. Makeer was born in...

John Ayor was sponsored by DOF and graduated with a certificate in nursing and a minor in Information Technology. John...

Majur Jacob Ajang, 19 years old and a South Sudanese by nationality lost his mother when he was a small...

John Anyang is a 2012 graduate of the DOF education and technical skill development program. John has studied and English...

Deng Ayen Anyang a 20 year old from Jonglei State in South Sudan was born in Bor at small town call...